Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is this really how I do?

Blog world.  One must really love all of the stupid little ways we keep connected via cyberspace to people we think we sorta know.  I got my toes wet with Myspace, then slowly transitioned into Facebook before I fully jumped into Twitter, Flickster, Imeem, and every other social networking party I was told I needed to be a part of.  Is anyone actually gonna read this?  Maybe.  Will creating a blog give me something more to do with my endless amounts of free time?  Probably.  So this is what we have come to.  I am going to do my best to keep you entertained with my adventures in Spokane, Missoula, and the greater world.  You'll most likely get a play by play of all the achievements and mishaps owned by myself and some friends too.

Okay now that we have that over with.  I do music.  That's the only thing I have ever been sure of.  I love music in all shapes and forms.  Here is one.  I have this friend and his name is Dave.  A long time ago I thought I discovered him.  He was a funny ass hip hop dude from Chicago that could scratch like nobody I ever saw.  He started hanging out at the record store I worked at and before you knew it we became inseparable.  Kinda like Milo and Otis only less of a Dudley Moore accent.  Years past.  We had ups and downs.  We we always came back to one thing.  We both love beer and ribs.  Well now Dave is all grown up and is this completely awesome band who makes music I wish I could make.  We still geek out all the time via Skype.  Since we can't REALLY hang out we have these play dates/studio sessions where we usually just send each other links of cool lights, midi controllers, BBQ recipes and it usually ends up with us just dancing around like a bunch of jerks.  My group the Jiggywatts wrote this song "Moving to Space."  Its about wanting to get away from confines of Earth and just kickin it with some sweet alien peeps.  Well Dave and his crew Prepschool actually did move to space.  They got a gig and here is their first show.  Wish they woulda waited for me.

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